What the symbols in the blog mean
- OOP - Out of Pocket - actual cash paid
- Peelie - Peelable coupon located on packages
- RR - Register Reward - Walgreen's "money" printed on receipts to be used like cash in store
- Blinkie- coupon found in the aisle in front of like items
- BOGO or B1G1 or B1G2: Buy One Get One FREE!
- 2/$5: This means 2 items for $5 (of course there could be other numbers like 3/$10 means 3 items for $10).
- $1/2: This means $1 off of 2 items, in other words you must buy 2 items and then the coupon will work (of course it could be different numbers like $2/1 means $2 off 1 item).
- wyb: when you buy
- Catalina: thin paper coupon that prints out from a separate machine (like at grocery stores
- MIR: Mail in Rebate
- IP: Internet Printable coupon, printed from the internet
- SS: Smart Source (coupon insert in the newspaper)
- P&G: Proctor and Gamble (another coupon insert in the newspaper-once monthly)
- RP: Red Plum (coupon insert in the newspaper)
- exp: expires (usually followed by the date of expiration - like on coupons)
Also, please read a website like Couponmom to get the basics. She has a e-book that you can download to get a good start on how all of this coupon stuff works.
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